Christmas has been and gone as has your due date and still there is no sign of you wanting to come. We had Christmas presents ready for you but I guess you will just have to till next year. We did open another gift from one of my past students, Shayla, and it was a very cool Winnie the Poo soft toy. What is even more special is it's one of her toys when she was young and she wanted to share it with you.
Your now two days over due and your mum is now taking pills that are suppose to help bring you along. Your still moving and kicking lots so I guess you are happy tucked up in her belly.
We are still getting lots of txts and visits from your grandparents as they are also very excited.
All along my guess was that you were going to arrive on the 28th of December. That is in two days. Maybe you are just waiting till then because you are on my side... Does that mean your a boy and we can gang up on mum, or that your going to be a Daddy's girl? Anyway if you are going to arrive on the 28th maybe that means labour will start tomorrow.... I'll let you know
For so long we have been busy getting ready for your arrival and finishing off work. Now the time has come where your room is finished, all the accessories in place and work finished. We are now literary sitting around waiting. It has been so hot the past week that your mother has been very uncomfortable and we even went for a swim in Granny's pool. You didn't much like it as you started kicking about heaps but eventually you settled.
Anyway I'm getting off track, so your mother is exhausted from carrying you and the heat is getting unbearable. I'm so excited to meet you and see if you are a Nigel or Nigella that I too can't wait. Tonight we took things into our own hands. We had heard that there are some different herbal teas that can help bring you on so tonight we headed to pack n save and got some. While in the isle 3 different people commented on what we were buying saying that it works and sometimes fast. I guess what I'm saying is fingers crossed...
One of the last bits of furniture to go into your room is the dresser that the whole family helped put together. The dresser itself came from your great grandparents. Your granny painted it white and your popper built the changing table that sits on top. Your mum and I painted the draws the different colours. So as you can see its a dresser for you made with a whole lot of love and caring.
As you know I'm a teacher and currently I am teaching at Melville Intermediate school. I am very excited about your arrival and have been telling the class all about the different things you have been doing in your mothers tummy and the names we are wanting to pick.
Today is the second to last day of school and one of my students, Mei-Rui (Merry), brought in a present for you. It was such a surprise and a lovely gesture. I took it home and your mother being terrible at keeping surprises wanted to open it. She kept asking and asking and said that we should open it so that we can thank Merry. I gave in as always and your mother opened your first Christmas present.
I can't believe it but it's December already. For what seems like a long time we have been counting the weeks as they go by and all of a sudden we have lost track of the weeks and now its only a matter of days.
For me this time has gone by fast but your mother would say otherwise. She was telling me just the other day that it felt like she had been pregnant for years. She is really looking forward to being able to sleep on her stomach again and not having a sore back. Me I'm really looking forward to holding you in my arms... and finding out if you are a boy or girl.
Anyway, we have had a very busy month with our first wedding anniversary and end of year stuff. Lots of different parties including a 'BBQ B4 Baby' one which we held. Lots of people turned up to see your mother with her huge belly and share in some pre-christmas festivities. Your mother also had her baby shower over the weekend and was given some really amazing gifts.
I guess its safe to say that all the pre-baby things are done and now we are just waiting for you to decided to arrive. Like I said before I can't wait.
Oh and names....
Last night we had another talk about different names and Claire came up as well as Andy or Anthony. Choosing a name is turning out to be one of the hardest things to do. I guess we will just have to wait and see what you look like and whether your a boy or girl.
Oh I should mention that your grandfather has started calling you Nigel, and its catching on. Your mother and I both admitted that the name is growing on us but don't worry I think it will just be a nickname and you now know who to blame for it.
Your room is almost done ready for you. Just need to fix up the power socket and then hang some new curtains. We are counting down the days till you arrive
The big count down is on there is not many weeks left of school but more importantly there is six weeks left till you are due to arrive. Your mum thinks your going to arrive early but I think you are going to come late
You have stopped kicking so much and you just more push now. We thought that we would take a bit of a trip to the zoo. It's something that we like to do lots and these are just a few of the animals that we like to watch
With only 9 weeks to go, mummy is starting to get ready for your birthday.
At 30 weeks at 5 days I am starting to feel very round, jobs are becoming very tricky and I am very clumsy. We brought your stroller and I dropped every piece. Not to worry your father made sure it was all put together correctly and I will have a few more practises popping it up and together.
You are starting to learn some bad habits. Every night you wriggle and stretch out (like your father) and I get stretched, punched and pushed around. Sometimes it hurts but mostly just uncomfortable when you settle on my spine or hip joint. It must be getting very snug in there for you because I can feel every movement now. I can feel your bum and head pushing against my tummy and sometimes your foot pushes up into my ribs. I sometimes lye in bed and just watch my tummy jump and roll around. It is the oddest feeling knowing that your in there happy and content, and that my body has changed so much to make space for you.
I appoliguise for the music that you can hear. Your father thinks that you love Neil Diamond like him, but I can tell you don't. You kick extra hard and push away the iPod. I will try play you some rain noise next, it's what I use to fall asleep.
You grandmothers are setting up your nursaries at their houses. Just remember - we are your parents, and they can't have you!
Today Aunty Kim arrived all the way from the UK. She came to visit her family and attend her sisters wedding.
We shared dinner and desert which you must have liked because you are now kicking your mum lots. Aunty Kim is sitting on the couch reading through all the different names in the book.
We have just arrived home from our second prenatal class. We are learning all about the different processes that the body will go through when you arrive. I'm learning where to apply heat pack and your mother is learning about all the different signals that you will send when you are ready to arrive into the world.
Next week we are meeting Katrina for another visit then we move to fortnightly visits.
Big changes at home as well. We have put in a new bathroom with the help from your grandma Willis and popper Kevin. We also spent a lot of time today preparing your room for painting... You will just have to wait and see it just like we have to wait and see if you are going to be a boy or girl.
I think you are a boy but your mum things you are a girl. We still haven't really decided on any names yet. James, Jack, are our boys names still and girls haven't really change much either. Rose, Emily, Lily if you are a girl
Again it has been a long time since I have written any updates and I guess its because things are just going only so well.
For the first time I felt you kick the other night. It was such a weird experience. I was resting my hand on your mothers stomach when I felt something move. It reminded me of the feeling when my tummy gurgles but this time it was on someone else I was feeling it.
You did some pretty big kicks and I gave you a little poke through your mothers stomach. Every poke I gave you kicked back... Not sure if you were annoyed or we were playing a game...
Last night I read you your first ever story. It was Hairy Maclary. I have also started playing Neil Diamond to you at night for you to listen to. You can thank me later in life.
We have another Midwife appointment next week and then the following is our first maternity class. We are busy getting ready to install a new bathroom and then it will be working on painting your room.
We brought your baby capsule so we can take you have safely from the hospital.
Its funny how some times things go slow and others they go really fast. Waiting for the 12 week scan took for ever. We had our little calendar that we were crossing off the weeks and it was a very nervous and exciting time.
The 20 week scan came around so fast. We had spent a week in Samoa which make the time fly and with school starting the first couple of weeks just slipped by. Before we both realised it was time to the 20 week scan and to see our baby again.
Chelsea is definatly showing now with a nice round tummy. Its very firm to touch so we know that baby is in there and growing well. She has also started to feel it move a little and I'm sure one night I even felt the baby move.
After school we rushed across town to the Rototuna Radiology where we were booked in for the scan. We arrived just in time and were sent straight in. It was amazing to see baby again and so large.
We were both amazed at how much we were able to see. All the bones as well as the heart, kidneys, bladder and brain. It was reasuring to know that everything was where it was meant to be and that baby is growing well.
As for the sex... I made sure that we didn't find out. Chelsea feels a little bit let down that she doesn't know and going through all the scan photos she was trying to find any signs of a penis.
Everything is done now, no more scans... Its just a waiting game...
Wow its hard to believe its been so long since I have written a post and yet nothing has happen but stuff has happened.
I guess one of the biggest events is the trip to Samoa. Your mother and I took a trip to Samoa for 8 days where we stayed on both islands. While in the play you were settled except of a bit of turbulence when you kicked in your mothers stomach.
Samoa was really warm and we got to swim in some beautiful waters as well as with turtles.
The next biggest news is the fact that we are going for your 20 weeks scan this Friday. Its hard to believe that we are half way and that we will get to see you soon.
Your mother and I have decided that we don't want to know if you are a boy or girl but we both have a suspicions. I guess the next post will be some more pictures of you. We had another visit from Katrina last night where we discussed the pain management for your birth. Your mother doesn't want an epidural or any major drugs that could affect your health but I guess we will just have to wait and see how much of a 'pain' you will be when you come.
Was out today and saw a cute teddy that would go great in the animal theme room. We have been given lots of stuff but this is the first thing we have brought for you.
Over the past three days Chelsea has been home sick. She was complaining of a sore stomach, nauseous, and really tired. She was out shopping with Susan and felt faint on Sunday. after a sit down she felt a bit better and took it easy the rest of the day.
Sunday night was really ruff. She didn't get a lot of sleep and was really sore. Chelsea decided to have the day off and try to recover but instead it just got worse. She started vomiting and had stopped eating and drinking. We gave Katrina a call and she organised some bloods and urine tests as well as some antibiotics.
We got a call Tuesday to say that Chelsea doesn't have an infection and to stop the antibiotics. The doc thought that it just might be a tummy bug and to wait it out.
By Tuesday night she was feeling a little better but it didn't last. Again the night was ruff and she woke up feeling no good. I left for school with instructions that she had to go to the doctor and get some help.
Chelsea headed to Anglesea clinic and proceeded to have test after test. The doctors gave her an IV and two bags of fluids but thanks to baby her body wasn't accepting the fluid.
I received a txt to say that she had to go to hospital so it was a quick organisation of my class before being picked up by Kevin and dropped at the hospital with Chelsea. We are now in the waiting room waiting to get in and see a doctor.
Lots of people think think that because Chelsea is sick that the baby might be a girl... Guess we will find out December.
After waiting for over an hour we are let into the emergency department. Doc is going to do a whole lot of test while more fluid goes in
Lure in and I'm being given orders on what to bring apparently food is on the list and so is phone charger.
It's 10:00 at night and I've just crawled into bed. Chelsea was admitted to ward 52 for the night where she is being given even more fluid. Everything is ok and we are just waiting for her to get better. Can't wait for her and baby to get home
It's 3.54 on a Wednesday afternoon and we are sitting in the Anglesea Imagery centre waiting room ready to go in for the scan. Really excited but also a little nervous. It has taken so long to get to 12 weeks and now I'm still waiting.
Had the general texts from the parents stating that we HAVE to txt them straight away telling them how many babies are in Chelsea's tummy. It's just a waiting game now...
And we are in
In the middle of the scan. Trying to get baby to behave so we can get some good measurements.
After another person tried the scan still no movement. We have a couple of printed pictures and are back in the waiting room waiting for a disc of pictures. Scan dates place December 25th as due date.
Time for another update and things are starting to get a little exciting. We had our second midwife visit today and that seemed to go well. Katrina gave use some more information about the pregnancy process and asked us if we were going to do the extra blood test before the scan.
This test is designed to identify early signs of possible genetic problems. We decided to get the test so that we can be prepared for our child should there be any complications.
After a couple more questions we were both feeling relieved again. Chelsea had her blood pressure taken and all was normal. We were given our Maternity note folder and booked in for our next meeting. Chelsea and I both made it pretty clear about how excited we are about our scan and Katrina was happy for us. She was down to earth and easy to chat with as always.
I guess the next big part of the update would be the decision not to find out if 'Little Willie' is going to be a boy or a girl. Chelsea is really wanting to know but I figure that its not really going to make a lot of difference so we should wait. At this stage we are going to wait... How long i'll hold out... that is another story. Of course that doesn't stop us from guessing. Apparently when Karen was pregnant with Chelsea she had morning sickness but with the boys she didn't. So that makes Chelsea feel like she is having a girl. Me, I kind of want to have a girl but it would be great at the same time to have a boy first so that he can take on the roll of older brother. Also the fact that we both are thinking its a girl makes us think that we will have a boy. Confused, we are, but thats all part of the surprise.
Now this is going to be a very long and slow decision process. Already we have had the parents offer their names and Kimberly offered hers. Sorry guys not going to happen.
So far leading the race is...
Boys Girls
James Rose / Rosie
Jack Madelyn Benjamin Grace
Well sitting here has just started Chelsea rattling of some ridiculous names and admitting that one of them was an ex, needless to say it was deleted.
With only a couple of days before we hit the 10 weeks pregnant mark things are finally feeling like they are moving along. Tonight Chelsea booked the first scan. We are booked in to Anglesea Imaging Centre on the 12 of June at 3:50pm... is that exact enough. Im pretty excited about it all and as I've mentioned before.
Doubled checked tonight and we have another midwife appointment next week. That makes one appointment for the next two week with us having a picture of Little Willie at the end of it all.
An update on the morning sickness... it's in full swing. I received a txt today saying Chelsea had a bit of a spew at school. She is sitting on the couch next to me now and has been pretty sick and sore all day. We have read a couple of things on the web that say morning sickness should start to end in the next couple of weeks. I hope so as it doesn't look like a lot of fun.
Talk about time going by slowly. Its been 4 weeks since we found out that Chelsea was pregnant but it feels like it been 6 months. We have told our close friends and family the news but have also told them that Chelsea isn't 12 weeks yet so to keep it to themselves. Once we have had our 12 week scan and heard/seen little willie then we will start to tell everyone.
Im looking forward to telling people our news as keeping it a secret is hard work.
We were really excited to start with and used to talk all the time about our plans for the baby. Names, room colours, clothing, holidaying etc but since the scare the other week we seem to be just taking it one day at a time.
Chelsea is still feeling a little sore and has had a couple of days where see felt really unwell. I haven't been told of any horror "morning sickness" but maybe that will never come.
3 weeks till our scan. We are planning on getting it done on the 12th of June, Wednesday. Both Chelsea and I have been approved to leave at 3 that day so we can get our scan straight after school. I guess at the scan we get to take home a picture of little willie or something that I will be able to show people to prove we're having a baby.
It's such a stressful time at the moment. Chelsea wasn't feeling well last night so had to leave Gran's early and come home.
Once home she realised something wasn't quite right. After a quick chat she decided to give the health nurse line a call and they gave her some advice. An hour later and things were starting to settle down but we still were worried that we might be loosing Little Willie.
A text to Katrina and she reassured us that sometime what Chelsea was experiencing was normal and as long as it has stopped then things should be ok. She also said that if we were worried we could go and get a scan early.
Chelsea decided to take the day off school to rest up and not put her body under any extra pressure. Everything has gone back to normal now and she is back to feeling her 'normal' pregnant self.
Hopefully everything is ok but I guess we will just have to wait till the first scan on the 12th of June.
Had a visit from Katrina on Thursday evening. She was running a little late as she had to deliver a baby earlier in the day. When she arrived Katrina gave us the run down about herself and her midwife skills. She was very friendly and had calm attitude about herself.
We asked a couple of questions but being new parents weren't really sure what the right questions were to be asking. Katrina gave us the run down on what to expect from her or any other midwives.
Chelsea felt comfortable and relaxed so we decided ask Katrina if she would take us on. A quick signing of a couple of forms and it was all set.
Chelsea had her blood pressure taken and Ph level.
Everything is good and normal..... One step closer
While at the doctors the other week she said to us we should start looking for a Midwife. With Little Willie not due till December we thought we had a lot of time. Turns out its a mission.
Chelsea made a couple of phone calls and it turns out no-one really wants to work christmas day or boxing day... go figure.
we finally found a couple of midwives that were available in December.
We now have a visit with Katrina Woodham tomorrow at 4pm. She was very prompt with getting back to us and sounded super friendly on the phone.
Its a weird place to be in at the moment. We all know how babies are made, how long you are pregnant, and kinda what to expect with the birth but something as simple as talking with a midwife and I've got know idea what to expect.
Thats it, we can't keep the news in any longer, its time to tell the parents about our news. We still are under no illusions about the risks involved with the first trimester but the parents are asking so many questions and lets face it, im really excited and want to stand on the highest mountain and scream it to the world... apparently thats not the done thing so instead ill have to settle for something a little more normal.
I decided that I'd tell my mother, what is your Grandmother, by giving her the book 'The New Baby' by Mercer Mayer and a set of little baby socks.
We wrapped up the gifts and left it on the table for when we were ready to tell my mum.
2 hours later we were in the car heading to mums.
This is how it went......
Dinner was planned for Thursday with the Hooker family as a bit of a pre Mothers Day meal because we are going to be out of town. What a great time to tell the other half of the family our great news.
Chelsea has been nervous about this day. Not sure why as her parents are going to be excited about become Grandparents. I guess its the whole not wanting to disappoint, I felt the same when telling my mother.
Anyway, we arrived at the house and just started chatting as normal. Chelsea gave her mum the mothers day gift and then we were asked the question that we knew was coming.
"How are the plans progressing for the UK?"
Chelsea took the question as a way of giving the next set of gifts.
"Well we have decided and have made a gift for you to open to show you our plans for the end of the year"
Heres how it played out...
Two different reaction from the two different families. Both parents are very excited and had lots of questions about how far along Chelsea is and were wanting to share their experiences of being pregnant.
They are already talking about babysitting and names. Lets just get one thing out in the open.... the child will not have the same first name as any parent. Im still trying to push a stargate themed name but for some reason Chelsea is not going for it.
It must have been the longest 7 days between finding out about the possible new arrive and the doc appointment.
We did another test to check that Chelsea was still pregnant and kept very quiet when our family was around. They keep asking questions about travel and when we are going on an OE. We just gave vague answers and moved the conversation on.
Doctor's appointment went well and the blood tests came back that there was definitely a new arrival on the way. As always though things in the first trimester can be a little touch and go and it pays not to announce to the world the news until after the first scan and we hear the heart beat.
Where does it start. Is it the day Chelsea and I met? Is it the wedding? or is it the day she showed me to red lines?
There I was sitting on the couch just looking through Facebook when I was presented with a little white stick with two red lines. Being a 'real man' I gave her the blank look and was told to read the box and look closer.
Holly Smokes - Two red lines means my wife is pregnant.
After lots of hugs and smiles we sat down and tried to work out what was our next steps. Do we go to the doctor immediately or wait and do another test? Is this for real or could it be a false positive? But more importantly if we are pregnant how far along are we?
A quick google and its turns out Chelsea could be 4 weeks with a due date around 26th December.