
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Announcements to the family

Thats it, we can't keep the news in any longer, its time to tell the parents about our news. We still are under no illusions about the risks involved with the first trimester but the parents are asking so many questions and lets face it, im really excited and want to stand on the highest mountain and scream it to the world... apparently thats not the done thing so instead ill have to settle for something a little more normal.

I decided that I'd tell my mother, what is your Grandmother, by giving her the book 'The New Baby' by Mercer Mayer and a set of little baby socks.

We wrapped up the gifts and left it on the table for when we were ready to tell my mum.

2 hours later we were in the car heading to mums.

This is how it went......

Dinner was planned for Thursday with the Hooker family as a bit of a pre Mothers Day meal because we are going to be out of town.  What a great time to tell the other half of the family our great news.

Chelsea has been nervous about this day. Not sure why as her parents are going to be excited about become Grandparents.  I guess its the whole not wanting to disappoint, I felt the same when telling my mother.

Anyway, we arrived at the house and just started chatting as normal. Chelsea gave her mum the mothers day gift and then we were asked the question that we knew was coming.

"How are the plans progressing for the UK?"

Chelsea took the question as a way of giving the next set of gifts.

"Well we have decided and have made a gift for you to open to show you our plans for the end of the year"

Heres how it played out...

Two different reaction from the two different families. Both parents are very excited and had lots of questions about how far along Chelsea is and were wanting to share their experiences of being pregnant.

They are already talking about babysitting and names.   Lets just get one thing out in the open.... the child will not have the same first name as any parent.  Im still trying to push a stargate themed name but for some reason Chelsea is not going for it.

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