
Saturday 19 April 2014

First Easter

No chocolate for you yet young lady! Mummy will try sneak you some next year!. 

Thursday 17 April 2014

Little Fish

Emily you are turning into a little FISH! 

Each week we have swimming lessons at Hilton Brown. At first you were unsure of the water but didn't cry or grizzle about it. Mummy holds you close and we swish and swosh in the water and you start to feel ok about it -(I know because you stop holding your hands up under your chin).
We sing Tickley rain and I trickle water over your face.  The teacher watched you last week and decided you were ready to be 'submerged' aka dunked!!
You loved it! Your tongue shot out and you lapped up the water trickling off your nose! 

There are some of your friends from space in your swim class; Koby, Lauren, and McKayla. Next week Dad isn't working so will be taking you swimming - we will have to teach him the songs!! 

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Story time

Today you stayed awake for the whole space class. You got to have story time! 
You loved it!
You also made a black and white picture strip.
This is to help you with your eye tracking. At your age you don't have 20/20 vision and most things are a blur. To help your brain develop we put toys and black and white pictures around you for you to focus on. 

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Like father like daughter

You grew inside me for 9+ months but as I sit here I am realising you are more your father than me....

Daddy qualities-
Hot blooded.
His eyes and cheek bones.
You don't like sleeping with blankets on you.
Love being in the water.
You prefer to be moving or sitting watching than lying down relaxing.
You love annoying mummy when she's sleeping.
Singing silly made up songs (even at 3 months) that make you crack up. 
You love drinking.
Great grumpy face.
Love being naked.

Mummy qualities- 
To freakin adorable for words.
Fart a lot.

Sigh..... You are your fathers child

Thursday 3 April 2014

Space diaries term 1

Each week at space they give us a page for your book. It has a photo of you at space and we write about how you are doing on that days topic. 
Because your mummies a bit lazy I thought I might store your pages on here for you. 

Term 1
Wk1 - Welcome to space
7 weeks old - today I screamed and grizzled. Mummy was very embarrassed having a grumpy kid at the first class. I took a SHORT nap and sang "twinkle twinkle little star" with Lukah. We held hands and smiled at each other. 

Wk2 - Becoming a parent
8 weeks old - what no one told mum and dad about becoming a parent. 
No one told us how much time you spend just looking at your baby. You are a huge time waster but you are adorable. Nothing can prepare you for broken night sleeps and the stress of hearing you cry but not being able to do anything to calm you down. One night you had a nightmare and it broke my heart I started crying with you. You woke up, looked and me and just floated back off to sleep. I didn't put you back to bed until Dad came home because I was so worried you would have bad dreams again.

Wk3 - Sleeping

9 weeks old- some things mum and dad has noticed about my sleeping: 
This week you have been sick. We don't know what's wrong but you only want to sleep on mummies shoulder and we have been sleeping on the couch every night. Needless to say we are both not happy campers at the moment. You sleep best when wrapped up like a caterpillar. You cat nap waking every 45-60 minutes which is not very good. You like being patterned and shushed to sleep. We use rain noise to help you go to sleep and sleep longer.

Wk 4 - Understanding me
10 weeks old- this week mum and dad noticed that I...
You like songs. You have started to sing to yourself and stop and listen anytime dad or I sing to you. You love your daddy and mummy and always have big smiles for us. You recognize your family and are a little shy around other people. They think your so placid - boy have you got them fooled!! You like to watch the world and sometimes feeding you is hard because you must see what is happening around you and give mummy a smile to say thank you. In the car you try to sit up to see out of the window. You are very nosy- must mean you will be very clever!

Wk5 - Stimulation
11 weeks old - Things that soothe me:
(Thanks granny for teaching you that when theres a camera to poke out your tongue instead of smiling =) ) You sing to yourself when you get tired. If you are very tired and can't settle your self to keep we will sing you a song; hush little baby, twinkle twinkly, starship lullaby (your daddy just makes up songs about making you sleep in the coup with the chickens). You like being patterned and rocked up on someone's shoulder, you don't like being laid down like a baby because you can't see. Rain white noise helps settle you to sleep. You love to suck, however we don't want you sucking your thumb and you hate the dummy so you suck our thumbs. Your welcome! You love being kissed and put up close to our face so you can explore it with your fingers and eyes.

Wk6 - What do I see? What do I hear? 
12 weeks old - Mummy as Daddy has noticed that this week I...
Emily you are very clever and cute. This week you have started giggling. The first time was when you were sitting in the bath and mummy made the red rubber ducky quack and kiss your tummy. This week we have also notice you are suffering from 3 month sleep regression. Aka waking every 2 hours at night. No sleep for mum.
I like to look at/watch...
You loved look at the colors on TV but we don't let you. Dad takes you outside and you watch him in the veggie garden - while getting attack by the chickens. You love spending time under your play gym watching the colors and toys swing around you. Red is you favorite color at the moment and you follow anything around that is red.
Sounds I like hearing:
When you go to bed you listen to your rain white noise. It sounds like rain on the roof and puts you to sleep. You love listening to your mummy and daddy sing and you love your daddies stories. You got a massive fright when your daddy starts getting excited and screaming loudly!

Wk7 - Establishing Attachment
13 weeks old - People I already know and trust: Mummy! And Daddy, but we both know who saves you from drowning in the bath or being put out in the chicken coup....Mummy! You love Da and have never ever cried for him! Great Grandma and Granny. You recognize and smile now for Poppa and Nanna- although it took awhile before you trusted Nanna. You like Aunty Glenny who is a natural with babies, and you go to Kimberly when she's not holding Lukah. You are getting better at trusting people and not screaming when mummy hands you over. This is good because mummy is going to go to Daddies school 1 day a week next term and you will be staying with Nanna...??!!?? We will see how that works out =) 
This week, Mum and Dad have noticed that I... Have started to giggle a lot. It's a bit of a creamy cackle giggle. Vet your father taught you it! You are very loud all the time at home but shy at other peoples houses. At night you like listening to your lullaby or music. It helps you to sleep longer and quieter.

Wednesday 2 April 2014


To stop mummy going crazy, ever Wednesday we have been going to space. Space is a mummies and babies class that teaches us why you are screaming your head off and ways to help you grow and thrive. It also gives us a chance to meet other mothers and compare who has the better child (so far it ain't you miss muphet). 
We start with singing which you love. You always try to join in and watch all the other mums doing the actions. They all think your adorable and sing to you as well as there own babies.  Your favorite songs are Twinkle twinkle which we sing to you each night as well, tickle these fingers and tickle these toes, and What makes a rainbow.
Today you really wanted to wave the colors around by your self. I had to stop you from eating the rainbow.
Today ou brought Elle Elephant and chomped on her hands. So far you haven't participated in story time because you start to get grumpy so I rock you to sleep in my lap. Next week the teachers said they will do story time first so that you can lye on the mat with all your friends 
Some weeks we do crafts. We made these cool foot prints and I turned yours into a canvas. This is how big your foot is at 12weeks.
Your granny thinks it's sooo cool so we are going to make her a special one.

Yesterday Lukah and her mummy Kimberly came over. She's a month older than you. You two just smile and crack up. I don't know what you guys find so funny. Hopefully she will teach you how to sleep through the night....sigh.

This Friday is your first swimming lesson! I am excited for you but not about me having to get into togs. Baby Kellen and Mikayla are in the same class. Your dad is taking you for your lessons in the holidays. I will be praying you won't drown in his care...