Reflective parenting
Today I... Made lots of noise. You sat with Harrison and Lukah. Harrison had a cool toy so you stole it and he grabbed your nose. 
We had a mirror at class and you discovered your reflection. You loved it and gave yourself a big kiss. You talked to yourself and got a little confused that mummy was in the mirror and infront of you.

Word to describe the sort of parents Mum and Dad want to be:
Embarrassing (from dad), firm and fair - dad says unfair. Caring.
Wk2 - 17 weeks
See me move
The movements I am practicing today are... Rolling from back to front. Once on my front I can't remember how to get back onto my back. I am kicking out my legs trying to crawl. My arms get in the way so I stretch them out behind me and kick out or push my knees down, but still I don't move far. I wiggle and grab my toes. I don't like lying down especially in the bath so I sit up. I am starting to grab things but sometimes my hands don't do what I want them too.
Wk3 - 18weeks
You had a very and cold this week so we did not go.
Here are some songs we sing at space.
Wk 4 - 19weeks
First aid
Mum however learnt about what to do if I choke and how to give me CPR. Dad already knows what to do so mum should just ring him if I need help.
Wk5 - 20 weeks old
The Beauty of the Brain
How Mum and Dad feel about me: really? Should I be answering this question being sleep deprived as you got up 3 times last night??!?!Dad- I Dono. Your a cute little adorable bubba.
Mum- I think your a fun cheeky money who likes to be in the know of whatever everyone else is doing. I think you like playing with us too much that sleep just isn't happening.
Wk 6 - 21weeks old
This week little monkey we went half way there and mummy didn't feel very well and you were grizzly so we both came home and had a nap. It's very exhausting looking after you. My world has changed since having you and some days are very challenging.
Wk7 -22weeks old
Understanding thinking
You understand what you like and don't like. You have a favorite toy- buzzy bee and get upset when we take it away from you. You know who is familiar to you and drop your bottom lip if you get left or taken by someone you don't know. You understand when it's time for your solids which you love and you have figured out how to eat without giving back too much. You are exploring with your hands- you reach for our faces and explore which can get annoying as sharp little fingers go into our mouths and nostrils. I can always hear you scratching at the seat belt or couch or whatever is close and looks interesting. You know how to get our attention. Really you are quite clever!!
Wk8 - 23 weeks
Emily this week you stayed home and practiced your sleeping.
Wk9 - 24 weeks old
Meaningful Men
Luke (dad) Willis- our special times are.... Showers and baths together. Listening to the songs you write and sing for me. Cuddling in bed on early mornings in the weekends. When you take me for runs going fast in my pram. When you feed me lots of yummy food. When I'm not feeling well and I need you to hold, hug and help me dad.
John (da) Willis- our special times are.... When you gallop me on your knee and make silly noises. Playing on the bed in your cool camper RV. Laughing and chatting together. Cuddles and kisses. Visiting and cheering you on at bowls tournaments.
Kevin (poppa) Hooker- our special times are.... Playing and laughing together. Blowing raspberries. When you lift me up and bounce me. When you let me out my fingers through your hair. When we pull faces at each other. Cheering you on when you run fast.
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