So bubba we have up'd you to 2x solids a day now. We are hoping it will help you to sleep through the night and put on weight. In the last month you have only put on 600g which isn't too good. You are just too nosy to feed properly- which is frustrating for mum!
Mum has been making you some special meals of Kumera carrot and chicken. It's yum!
Down side is that all the solids has made you a bit constipated. You have spent many evenings this week with your bum in the air grunting. We have had to pump your legs like a bicycle to try and get you to push. Not fun for you.
We tried brown sugar in water which some space mums recommended. You loved it! Obviously inherated your parents sweet tooth.
With mummy starting back at work we have had to get you started on formula.
This is what happened...
Turns out your allergic to dairy. We have had to go to the dr and get you special formula. Down dude is that it tastes yuck and not as sweet as other formula or breast milk, up side if that it's free!!!!!
You will learn to lovd it!!!