I can't believe it but it's December already. For what seems like a long time we have been counting the weeks as they go by and all of a sudden we have lost track of the weeks and now its only a matter of days.
For me this time has gone by fast but your mother would say otherwise. She was telling me just the other day that it felt like she had been pregnant for years. She is really looking forward to being able to sleep on her stomach again and not having a sore back. Me I'm really looking forward to holding you in my arms... and finding out if you are a boy or girl.
Anyway, we have had a very busy month with our first wedding anniversary and end of year stuff. Lots of different parties including a 'BBQ B4 Baby' one which we held. Lots of people turned up to see your mother with her huge belly and share in some pre-christmas festivities. Your mother also had her baby shower over the weekend and was given some really amazing gifts.
I guess its safe to say that all the pre-baby things are done and now we are just waiting for you to decided to arrive. Like I said before I can't wait.
Oh and names....
Last night we had another talk about different names and Claire came up as well as Andy or Anthony. Choosing a name is turning out to be one of the hardest things to do. I guess we will just have to wait and see what you look like and whether your a boy or girl.
Oh I should mention that your grandfather has started calling you Nigel, and its catching on. Your mother and I both admitted that the name is growing on us but don't worry I think it will just be a nickname and you now know who to blame for it.