Today we tripped to Rotorua to meet up with Tate, Lukah, Max and their mummies and daddies.
You four had such a blast together again, running around, feeding all the animals and trying to climb into each enclosure.

There were lions with a big "DONT TOUCH THE FENCE- ELECTIC" which you ignored.
They were asleep and although you and tate clicked your fingers and called to them, they were all cuddled up sleeping in late on this very frosty cold morning.

You loved feeding the big black pigs and were amazed by the deer and how they licked the food out of daddies hands right infront of you.

Traveling through the bush walk we came to big trout ponds with lots of ducks. This you were most excited about! Like you had never seen fish and ducks before!!!

Tate taught you to c
limb the fences....thanks Tate. Dad wasn't that impressed that we drove 90mins for you to just want to stay at the fish. 
If was sooooo cold the baby ducklings could walk over the ice to you.

The goats were EXTREMELY friendly.

Phil wasn't fast enough and this naughty goat stole the whole bag of food and ate it all up! Bag and all!!
You four started getting grizzly so it was feeding time for you. We treated you all to chippies at McDonald's.
You have never stayed up past 1 so sad won the bet that you would be asleep before we were out of the city were!!
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