You have been out lots and had lots of visitors. You went to the supermarket on just your third day in this world. You have gone for a run with me almost ever day and so far we have done about 40km. You have been to visit all the other babies from pre-natal class and even though you were the youngest, you were one of the biggest there.

You are developing really good neck control and can hold your head up for short periods of time. You have also just started focusing on different objects and when we talk to you you now look at us. You have also started to smile at your mum and dad. It is really a cute thing to watch.
You had your first stay away from mum and dad when we left you with your Granny. She looked after you while we went to the supermarket and to the local cafe for a drink. It was a really funny feeling being away from you but you didn't really notice it.
Ok so I have to apologies. The other night I was making loud noised and you were jumping. I kept doing it because you make the cuties face... unfortunately after about the 5th time you were over it and started to cry... no scream is more like it. You screamed for over an hour.
Oh and also you wished your Aunty Kim a Happy Birthday. Well I think that is about all that has happened in the first month.
Next month... Vaccinations.
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