Thursday, 23 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
One Week Update
It has been a couple of days since I have done an update and that is because we have been so busy taking care of you. The first day home was really good. We had a couple of visitors and lots of well wishes. You were very settled and did lots of sleeping. We took the time to get use to having you at home and showed you all around.
The cat was not that impressed and she kept on hiding from you. I think she didn't like the smell of you because she kept on entering the room and sniffing you carseat then run away. I has taken her a couple of day to get use to having you around and now she is starting to approach you. When you cry the cat just looks at us as if you say 'can you stop that thing making all the noise'.

As you can tell by the amazing photos, we received the photos from our photo shoot that we had on your third day in this world. The pictures are amazing and we have to thank your granny because it was her that brought it for us as a christmas present. We have put a couple of pictures on our Facebook page but so far there is only two photos of you that have been put up... Your identity is still safe incase you want to be a super hero.

In other big news, you finally had your first bath, we actually it was a shower with me. It was both a success and a bit of a failure all at the same time. You really liked the water and you were quiet and calm in the shower. You had a good clean and we got to finally give your bellybutton a good rinse. When it came to getting you out however, you were not happy at all. It was a mixture of both you enjoying the shower and your mother being a little slow to dress you. It took a bit of time to get everything organised and have towels warm enough. It took a while but eventually your mother got you dressed and you started to warm back up.
Your second shower was a huge success and you even fell asleep in my arms. Again you didn't really like getting out but this time we had lots of warm things ready and you didn't cry nearly as much. Your mum and dad may be beginners but we are fast learners.
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11 Days Old |
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Saturday, 11 January 2014
Heading home today

Friday, 10 January 2014
Picking a Name
For a long time picking a name has been of a high priority. There has been a lot of talk about names and we always knew that we would wait for baby to arrive before naming.
Now you are here we are able to name you... If only it was that easy. The list of names that we had kin of went out the window as you didn't look like a Rose. We started thinking that you would be a Lucy but again didn't look like it. After a bit of pressure from poppa, nanna and granny we have finally locked in a name.
Day 2

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Great-Grandma Willis |
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Great Granddad Neville |
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Great-Granddad Da |
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Game on
With the appointment at the hospital to be induced at 5pm we took the last. Moments to have some family photos and prepare for the birth of out baby.
We headed up to the hospital and had to wait an hour before anyone came and saw us. It was very annoying and we were eventually told that there was no one available to break her waters so we would be sent up top ward 51 where we would wait.
Midnight was fast approaching and I was getting very tired. We asked what the likely hood of birthing tonight would be and the answer was slim. I headed home only to realise that I had left the house keys at the hospital. After breaking in and feeding the cat I received a call to say that Chelsea was going down to the birthing unit and that I needed to get there.
I raced back to the hospital and prepared for a long night.
9th January
00:03- transferred into birthing unit and had waters broken, feed and drink.
They are going to start the inducing at 01:00 so she has an hour to start labour naturally. We started to walk around and bounce on the yoga ball. By 01:30 there was a few contractions and the ward was starting to get a bit busy. The coordinator said they were to busy to start inducing now and that she had until 02:00 till they would start the IV. That was all the time that was needed. The more we walked and moved on the ball the more that baby started to cause contractions.
By 2:00 the contractions were well underway lasting about 40seconds with 3minute intervals. This was great new ps so they decided not to start the IV and just let nature takes it's course.
Baby was happy inside and not under any stress. During the labour they kept monitoring the heart rate and most of the time you were asleep. At about 03:00 they decided to call in Katrina and she took over. Our midwife was amazing keeping us informed with what was happening and how Chelsea and baby were progressing. Having her remind Chelsea how to breath and push was invaluable.
I did the best I could to help your mum during the labour. Heating weat bags, providing water, cold flannels, and someone to hold and pull against. It is impossible to describe what is like being in a birthing suit. The emotions that I felt covered the whole sprectrum. Your mother did such a great job and I am so proud of her. She didn't use any pain killer apart for. A little bit of gas but that didn't last for long.
During the labour Chelsea was moving in lots of different positions including having a shower. All this moving was suppose to help bring baby down but baca use you are so big it was a real struggle. After 2hrs of pushing there wasn't that much progress and I was beginning to worry. Katrina said that it can take some time and we are not worried yet. Eventually there was progress and we were able to slowly see your head. Chelsea kept pushing and working and it was truly a huge effort after 10hrs of labour.
Once baby started to come out we realised just how big it was and there was a little bit of concern that it was going to get stuck. Chelsea rocked hard and was able to get tour head out. It was hard work as your little face was getting smooched abut we didn't want Chelsea pushing you out all at once. You started to turn and move and that was painful especially without and contractions. Chelsea had to wait a painful 5minutes before the next contraction and with a room full of midwives they were determined to get you out with this next push. And then it happened. You were born at 11.17am on the 9th January 2014. You weighed 10.5lb or 4.760kgs. Our beautiful baby girl.
Once baby was born Chelsea still had to birth the placenta which is where we had a lot of trouble. There was concern that the cord was going to break and that the placenta was going to get stuck. Chelsea had to go the the toilet to try and empty her bladder to help but on the way there she was loosing a huge amount of blood so they rushed her back to the bed. She started to black out and the pain was worse than labour. She said she can't remember bits of it as watching her eyes roll back and the amount of blood everywhere was one of the scarest things I've ever experienced.
The midwife team decided to call a surgan and get him to remove it in case there was trouble. He would also be on hand if things went wrong. Chelsea woke up enough for one last push and birthed the placenta. The pain stopped and we were finally able to look at each other and, you, our beautiful baby girl.
There was still a little concern with the amount of bleeding from Chelsea but we were allowed to go to Waterford birthing centre where we settled in and you spent your first night.
Your grandparents have been and visited, twice and you have had lots of holds and cuddles. You are a very special part of a lot of people's lives. Welcome to the world baby Willis
It's happening today
So Chelsea had a bit of a ruff night and we were asked to come into the hospital for another check up. Katrina was there and she was able to explain everything to us. Because the scan showed that there was extra fluid we have to birth up at the hospital. This wasn't explained to us yesterday and changes our plan. Even if Chelsea naturally went into labour she wouldn't be able to go to Waterford Birthing Centre so we have decided to just bite the bullet and be induced. The only time available today is 5pm.
We have been sent home and are currently just relaxing. Chelsea is having a sleep so that she is ready for tonight.
Either way we will meet you tonight or tomorrow
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Last Chance
So that's it really the plans are set and you have one day to arrive.
We went to the hospital and after waiting for an hour we finally got to see the doctor. They were all doom and gloom and didn't even talk about the scans or options. They just said that they wanted to induce soon, now or later today. That is not what we wanted and they were not open to the idea of us waiting. We had already discussed what we wanted to do and told them that is how it will be.
Chelsea had another stretch and sweep and they said that she is 3cm dialated already. That means that Chelsea's body is ready to give birth it's just that you are not wanting to come out. We have decided that Thursday morning we are going into the hospital and will be induced. It's going to be a bit harder for Chelsea but hopefully because her body is ready that will help.
So today we went for a walk up and down some stairs. Around the lake and a swim. We did all we could. Another appointment with hospital tomorrow just to check. So you really only have one more chance to come on your own...
Monday, 6 January 2014
We are very close to 42 weeks overdue which means Chelsea is two weeks overdue. We have an appointment today for another baby scan. They are going to check all the different movements, fluid levels, and placenta quality. We are also expecting a call from the hospital where we will go and talk with them about inducing. Still no contractions or feelings of labour so we are really at a loss as what to do. Such big decisions about as we don't want baby to become endanger and we don't want Chelsea to have to have intervention.
Have just got back from the scan and everything seems to be fine. You are a big baby and may even be about 10lb. You were off the scale on all the different growth charts but... Well... I guess we will just have to wait and see. We are still waiting to hear from the hospital
Saturday, 4 January 2014
41 weeks and 4 Days
We had another midwife appointment today as they are now having to refer us to the hospital. You are turning out to be a little bit of a pain. You don't want to come out and that is only going to put both yourself and your mother in danger. If we have to go to the hospital to be induced then there is a high chance that the labour will be a lot worst for your mum and that you may have to be pulled out. That means a funny shaped head. What really frustrating is this is all your choice. We are doing everything possible to get you out. Your mum has started taking a herb called Blue Coss which is suppose to give her fake contractions which in turn will kick start the real ones. She has taken it for two days now and still noting is happening.
Anyway no longer will we wait around for you. We are now up at the beach on holiday and if you decided to come now..... Tough you can wait.
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
The 2014 model
Ok so this is getting ridiculous .. It's been a whole year now that I have dad to wait for you. That right it's now 2014. We had a small BBQ last night and hoped that you might be one of the first born in 2014. Turns out you just enjoy being in your mothers tummy to much.
We are suppose to be having a midwife appointment on the 2nd of January where she was going to preform a stretch and sweep. It a procedure that can sometimes help start labour. If it doesn't work then next week your mother could have to go to the hospital where they give her an injection that willdefinitely start the labour process. It's also your mums birthday on the 3rd so you could be sharing your birthday with her.
Great news. We just heard from the midwife and she is coming today. That means you could be born later tonight or tomorrow, not on your mums birthday. Also good because your not born on New Year's Day or Christmas Day. Figures crossed
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